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North American SEM Summit

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Earlier in the day leading up to the Industrial Summer Study, the Northwest SEM Collaborative will host a North American SEM Summit.  The Northwest has had SEM Collaborative workshops for several years, with great interest and progress; more recently, the Northeast has begun a similar initiative, and there is interest in other regions. This SEM Summit is the opportunity to come together and share perspectives across the US and Canada.  The program will consist of:

  • Sharing SEM updates, perspectives, and vision from the various regions including the Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, California, Canada, and elsewhere
  • A discussion on future North American-wide collaboration, including this group potentially meeting again on a regular basis as well as the possibility of working groups or calls to take action between the meetings

The SEM Summit is open to all Summer Study attendees; please add this to your conference registration if you would like to attend; there is limited space to attend. The meeting will include lunch.

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