Program Evaluation

Collection Prepared by Northwest Utilities

Third-party research and evaluation of an SEM program’s process (design and operations) and impacts (savings outcomes) is typically performed after savings are claimed. Program evaluation provides critical, independent analysis and findings on the accuracy of the program’s M&V calculations, their influence on customer behavior, persistence of savings and other assumptions that are used to calculate and report program outcomes and cost-effectiveness. Evaluations also provide an essential feedback loop for continuous improvement of SEM programs.

The Program Evaluation collection includes links to impact evaluations and process evaluations for specific SEM programs and published, cross-cutting summaries of evaluation results. This deep research into the efficacy and outcomes of specific SEM programs should be most useful and relevant to anyone involved in program planning, policy, implementation or evaluation.

Check out the Program Planning and Research collection for market studies and other broader SEM research.

Brought to you by Northwest Utilities

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