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The NW SEM Collaborative Announces 2021 Working Groups

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The NW SEM Collaborative has been a force of change in the SEM Industry over the last decade due to the hard work, roll-up-your-sleeves collaborative mentality and drive of the Working Groups. 

Working Groups are a voluntary way to add your voice, meet new people, and create content that will benefit a much larger community of practice. 

Working groups were identified and formed based on suggestions and input submitted in the 2020 Working Group survey.

If you are still interested in joining or co-leading a working group, please email Pat Bradley and specify which group/groups you’d like to join!  

2021 NW SEM Collaborative Working Groups:

Measurement & Verification: (led by Kevin Campbell, Jacob Schroeder, Josh Rushton) Confront challenges, find opportunities, and share insights on how to make M&V of SEM projects more effective.

Beyond the E: (led by Kathleen Belkhayat and Karen Brooks) Collaboratively discuss the additional benefits (engagement, customer service, non-energy specific resource conservation) that SEM brings to organizations. Topics selected at kickoff meeting in January.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion & SEM: (led by Victoria Parker and open position) Develop strategies for delivering SEM in a diverse, equitable, and inclusive way.

Emissions Reduction and SEM: (led by Kati Harper and Peter Therkelsen) Discuss and develop strategies to integrate greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategies with SEM. 

Small-to-Medium Business SEM Delivery: (led by Renee Garrels and TBD) Discuss and explore approaches to addressing barriers to SEM participation and delivery for small-to-medium customers.

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