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Tailor Your EMA Report to Customer Needs

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Every customer is different. Their EMA reports should be, too.

Meet your customers’ needs better than ever with new updates to the Energy Management Assessment (EMA) tool at The newly customizable tool lets you tailor outputs to offer more personalized and meaningful insight and recommendations, no matter your customers’ specific needs. New areas of customization include:

  • Executive summary: Customize your executive summary or introduction to help personalize and contextualize the report for each customer.
  • Recommendations: Add a custom note for each report recommendation, including customized information to provide context, relevant examples, or tailored advice for the specific property.
  • Final report: Select which recommendations to include in the final report, and the order in which you’d like them displayed. Further, you now have the option to rank the order of recommendations based on your assessment of client needs.

EMA tool tips

Follow these user best practices to optimize your experience:

  • Save your changes along the way by clicking the checkmark below each text box.
  • Customize your final report by clicking the slider button to add or omit content from the final, exportable document.
  • Rank recommendations in numerical order to determine how you’d like your content to appear in the final report.
  • Save this page for easy reference as you start building new reports.

Get started on your first customized EMA report by logging in at

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