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Pump System Assessment Online Training Program

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Pump system assessments contribute to your SEM practices by reducing energy consumption, increasing overall reliability and reducing maintenance costs. The Hydraulic Institute, in partnership with the NEEA NW Regional Industrial Training Program, is offering a special online Pump Systems Assessment (PSA) Certificate Program. This unique eight-part module course helps you gain the in-depth expertise you need to manage and conduct pumping systems audits successfully, at a time and pace that works for you. You’ll also earn professional development hour credits and receive a significant discount on registration costs, courtesy of NEEA. 

Target Audience:
This training is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of participants—including energy managers, utilities account managers, energy consultants, project managers, manufacturing representatives, pump manufacturers and distributors, and employees of government agencies and energy organizations.

Why It Matters:

  • Pump systems assessments are critical to reducing your facilities’ energy consumption while increasing the overall reliability of the systems, saving you money on maintenance costs.
  • The in-depth eight-module training, with fully integrated testing after each session, will guide you through hydraulic systems behavior, pumping systems components, and best practices for the assessment process. 
  • The self-paced online format allows you to work through the training whenever and wherever it’s most convenient for you, as long as you complete it within 60 days of registration. 
  • By completing this training, you’ll receive nine professional development hours and a certificate of completion from the Hydraulic Institute. 
  • NEEA is also offering a special promotional code, PSAE25, that cuts your registration fee by 25%, for a total cost of $375. 

Learn more about the Pump Systems Assessment Certificate Program by clicking here. Then register today using the promotional code PSAE25 to claim your discounted rate from NEEA and start learning how smarter pump systems management can drive energy and cost savings.  

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