This site will be under new administration starting January 1, 2025. The mailing list and communications for this site will be administered by the North American SEM Collaborative. Email with any questions, or to subscribe or unsubscribe from SEMHub communications. To learn more about this transition, READ THE FAQ., EMA tool, and online courses are transitioning to new management.

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Throughout 2024,, its online learning courses, and the Energy Management Assessment (EMA) tool will be transitioning to new management and continue to be made available at no cost. Effective January 1, 2025, the SEMHub website, EMA tool, and Northwest Strategic Energy Management Collaborative will be under new ownership and/or management.

Check out this FAQ for regular updates on what’s changing, what’s staying the same, and when things will be handed off.

SEMHub has been part of a program administered by NEEA using limited-duration funding from participating Northwest utilities. The limited-duration funding has helped position the Northwest region as early pioneers of SEM and has helped the practice gain traction across North America. Now, the Northwest SEM community will continue this work by transitioning the resources to existing organizations who will keep building a stronger and more robust network.

As part of this transition, NEEA has identified the following new owners who will continue to host the website, tools, and resources currently available on

  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) will host the EMA Tool and continue to offer free access to all users.
  • North American SEM Collaborative (NASEMC), which is sponsored by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), will assume ownership of and provide administrative support for
  • The Northwest SEM Collaborative (NWSEMC) will integrate into the NASEMC as a chapter organization and continue to support Working Groups and the annual regional Fall Workshop.

This transition will be finalized by December 31, 2024. In the meantime, NEEA will provide periodic email updates to help website and tool users know what to expect and what actions they should take to ensure a seamless transition.

Contact us at with any questions.

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